[limited time only! ~ by 09:59 on december 5, 2021, in addition to the normal return points, 300 points (300 yen) fixed period points will be presented to those who purchase this product! *scheduled date of awarding points: around 12:00 the day after purchase/expiration of points: 14 days/notes: customers via pcmax are not eligible] dvd version limited video is additionally recorded] now, the seasonal av actress “amu hanamiya” is reserved for one day. amu hanamiya, a popular av actress with a tall height of 172 cm and a glamorous body with a g cup. from an early age, she developed better than her classmates and was early to be interested in sex. the genius company matsuo will bare your body and mind through raw sex, telling a frank story about the unconventional episodes of junior high and high school and the prosperous sex life of college days! beginning with a rich kiss, lead to the realm of pleasure with raw insertion that twists into the back of the vagina! the last shoots a large amount of semen to the thick ma! the best glamorous body in the av industry, “amu hanamiya”, and her instinct go hand in hand, and she’s just fucking raw!

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